The practice of Scripture involves regularly reading and contemplating God’s written Word (the Bible.)"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness." — 2 Timothy 3:16Start with the paradigm shift. “Scripture is an act of literary communication” Make study synonymous with contemplation and reflection. Seek to not merely know about God but know God.
1. When you open scripture pray, Come Holy Spirit and speak that I might hear.
2. Practice Lectio Divina, It’s a latin phrase that means divine reading. It’s an ancient practice of reading a passage multiple times, paying attention to words or phrases that stand out to you and offering them up to God that he might speak or move in your life. It can be practiced alone or in community.
- Read: Read a passage of Scripture and listen for words or phrases that speak to you.
- Reflect: Read the passage again and reflect on what God is saying to you.
- Respond: Read the passage a third time and respond to God with your heart
- Rest: Read the passage a final time and rest in God’s presence.
3. Practice scripture memorization.
- Through memorization, when our bible isn’t in reach, His word speaks and offers guidance, comfort and even healing at crucial times.
4. Practice scripture recitation. Read passages aloud when alone, or with your family, as a part of meals and at community groups. This is how generations of people engaged with scripture.
5. Practice expository study in community with the help of friends and associates of the Way. Utilize